
trust fund in support of peace-building activities in el salvador معنى

  • الصندوق الاستئماني لدعم أنشطة بناء السلام في السلفادور
  • trust    n. إتفاق منتجين, ث ...
  • trust fund    صندوق استئماني
  • fund    n. رأسمال, إعتماد ...
  • in    adj. داخلي, حاكم, ...
  • in support of    تعزيز
  • support    n. مساعد, مساعدة, ...
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • peace-building    بناء السلام
  • activities    أَنْشِطَة
  • in    adj. داخلي, حاكم, ...
  • el    إِل; ال
  • el salvador    إلسلفادور; السلفاد ...
  • salvador    السلفادور; السِّلْ ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. trust fund for water desalination معنى
  2. trust fund for world mass media leaders’ roundtables معنى
  3. trust fund in support of actions to eliminate violence against women معنى
  4. trust fund in support of national capacity building in external aid resources management معنى
  5. trust fund in support of peace building activities in el salvador معنى
  6. trust fund in support of special missions and other activities related to preventive diplomacy and peacemaking معنى
  7. trust fund in support of the activities of the committee on the exercise of the inalienable rights of the palestinian people معنى
  8. trust fund in support of the activities of the secretary-general’s special representative to the great lakes region of central africa معنى
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